Will the Rock Show Up at WrestleMania 38?

One of the most popular WWE stars of all time is The Rock

Despite having one of the most successful careers in Hollywood, the Great One still is willing to compete inside the squared circle

On several occasions, Rock has mentioned that if WWE calls him, he will show up in a heart-beat

The last time The Rock wrestled was 6 years ago at WrestleMania 32

The Rock Squashed Erick Rowan in the match

The Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns is the longest-reigning Universal Champion

Roman Reigns has defeated the likes of Edge, Daniel Bryan, Brock Lesnar, John Cena and even Goldberg

Roman has defeated almost every superstar that had crossed paths with him

Roman Reigns and the Rock have never faced each other inside the ring

The perfect storyline and also what the fans want is Roman Reigns vs The Rock

People expect The Rock to show up at this year’s WrestleMania

There are reports that The Rock is caught up with movie shootings and may not make it.

WrestleMania 39 is set to take place in Hollywood and that would be when Roman Reigns vs The Rock will be the Main Event


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