Why Does Ex-US President Donald Trump Dislike LeBron James?

By: Fatima Roshni Image credit: Sports Illustrated

Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James, having earned quite respect throughout his career season in the NBA, has also equally garnered quite speculation through his comments on controversial issues.

Reflecting back to the 2021 killing of 16-year-old teenage Ma'Khia Bryant, an Ohio resident, LeBron's comments and open support on social media against the police officer, however, come into effect.

Sharing a picture of the accused police officer named Nicholas Reardon, LeBron's post posing a direct blame with the caption “you’re next #accountability” has pondered over several debates on him.

With accusations being reflected in his blatant post, followed by his action of deleting the tweet, LeBron later went on to show his support on the matter with yet another post.

"I took the tweet down because it was being used to create more hate. This isn’t about one officer; it’s about the entire system. They use our words to create more racism. I need more ACCOUNTABILITY."

Garnering attention from his first post, 45th United States President Donald Trump followed up, calling the NBA star 'racist' and criticizing his dividing nature reflected in the post.

Trump's post read, "LeBron James should focus on basketball rather than presiding over the destruction of the NBA, which has just recorded the lowest television ratings, by far."

Stating on LeBron's prominence, he said, “His racist rants are divisive, nasty, insulting, and demeaning. He may be a great basketball player, but he is doing nothing to bring our country together.”

LeBron James and Donald Trump's disagreements, however, go a long way, with several controversial comments received from both sides during Trump's tenure as the U.S. President.

Be it the 2020 murder of George Floyd or the 2021 killing of Ma'Khia Bryant, these incidents have triggered worldwide protests with eminent personalities from various industries coming out in support.

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