When Some WWE Superstar Sh*t in Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson’s Food Box

By Akshat Trivedi Image credit: WWE

Rock's physique and transformation became iconic, solidifying his status as a global phenomenon. From his WWE days to his Hollywood career, he has come a long way and achieved unparalleled success.

Behind the entertaining storylines, the WWE locker room can be a harsh environment. WWE Legends, like Mark Henry and Bret Hart, have shared tales of backstage ribbing and mistreatment.

During his early WWE days, The Rock was the target of a repulsive backstage prank where someone put feces in his food box, because of the jealousy and hostility in the locker room.

WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry disclosed the disgusting prank played on The Rock, in which he found faeces in The Rock's food box. It highlights the envy and mistreatment faced by new talents.

The incident where someone defiled The Rock's food box with faeces speaks to the challenging atmosphere in the wrestling industry, with established stars attempting to undermine rising talents.

In an interview, Rock's locker room neighbor, Mark Henry, revealed, "I saw his box was open. I grabbed the box and was going to close it, and I looked in it, and there was sh*t in it."

Henry suggested Rock not leave his food in the locker room, as some of the wrestlers get envious of the newcomers and always try to bully them through cheap and offensive pranks.

Despite the ribbing and challenges faced early on, The Rock's determination and talent shone through. He overcame the obstacles, achieved incredible success, and became a legendary icon.

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