UFC Star Survives Two Near-Death Experiences

By: Pankti Parmar Image credit:  Twitter

UFC fighter Leon Murphy opened up about his near-death experiences, which molded his consciousness and became pivotal points giving him a renewed sense of self that enabled him to become what he is.

The first incident happened in 2013 when he succumbed to a gunshot outside a barber's shop in Fallowfield. He was shot in the face and didn't realize it until he felt 'blood and bullets' in his mouth.

Murphy was hospitalized for two weeks, where he had to be fed through a tube. He ultimately had to get a surge for his teeth, yet a part of the bullet is still stuck in his tongue.

While this might seem like a terrifying incident to many, it wasn't the one that shook him to the very core. Murphy considers his motorcycle accident to be the one that 'made him'.

Murphy was almost at the end of a 30 km-long and happy bike ride when he hit the car, which sharply took a turn without watching. He first smashed into the windshield and then hit the ground.

To make it even more miserable for him, the ambulance took 40 minutes to arrive. Murphy lost a lot of blood that day and felt like he would not see the next day.

"It's weird because someone called my mum and I'm sat there waiting, and my mum is there, and I'm thinking 'I'm going to die here now' I was bleeding out. I felt numb. Still numb, it's weird."

Murphy reported that the incident 'switched him on differently in life'. Before the accident, he did not have major life goals. But after it, he believed "I can't let this opportunity go to waste". 

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