By: Vivek Nair

“This Means War”- Kevin Hart Punches Shaquille O'Neal at Super Bowl

Image Credit: NBA and Twitter

NBA legend Shaquille O'Neal and Kevin Hart shared a hysterically funny moment together during the Super Bowl.

Kevin Hart is known for his stand-up comedies and his hilarious interactions with celebrities.

Kevin and Shaq are two of the funniest people on the internet, and them linking up together would result in absolute comedy.

Shaquille O’Neal and Kevin Hart do not support the same NFL teams, which resulted in them playfully fighting against each other.

During the Super Bowl, O'Neal was recording a video when Kevin came up behind the NBA legend and took a swing at the big guy's head.

"We're here at the Super Bowl," said O'Neal, before he was cut off by Kevin. "At any time! At any time you could get it," said Hart after he swung at Shaquille's head.

Afterwards Shaq posted on his Instagram with the caption "This means war @kevinhart4real," indicating that O'Neal is ready for a payback.

Shaq and Kevin's banter is not something new; a similar incident took place back in 2014 when Kevin hit O'Neal on the head with a shoe. Kevin immediately tried to escape, but his life was flashing before his eyes as Shaq almost caught him lacking on the door; luckily, he opened the door and fled.

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