This Guy Is Corny”- Lebron James’ “Embarrassing” Response to Fans

By: Vivek Nair Image credit: NBA

James recently became the NBA's all-time scoring leader, surpassing Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s record.

However, not everyone was happy to see LeBron break the record. He still received tons of hate.

When James was shown on the jumbotron during Super Bowl 2023 between the Chiefs and Eagles, he got booed by the crowd.

As James and his wife came up on the big screen, the Los Angeles Lakers player stood up and put an imaginary crown on his head.

The gesture was met hardheartedly and people online began calling it  "embarrassing and  corny".

People were let down by LeBron's act of pride in placing a crown on top of his own head during the Super Bowl.

Whereas the other half felt James was worthy of recognition, even from himself, for becoming one of the top players in his league.

LeBron James could be the best player of all time, Love him or hate him, one cannot deny the fact that he's achieved unachievable record

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