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Stephen Curry Has One Secret Workout That Keeps Him Fit for NBA Season

By: Debadrita Ghosh Image credit: NBA and Twitter

Stephen Curry is one of the fittest players in the NBA. His workout sessions are organized to prepare him for continuous motion in the Warriors' offense and to shoot with weary legs.

Curry's personal trainer Brandon Payne puts him through challenging skill-building exercises and some wind work apart from the usual physical preparations.

Curry's secret workouts are mostly sprint-driven, which include full body lifts and placing weights below ribcage when his breath gets shorter, which helps him lower his heart rate below 80 during a game.

His technique of lowering his heart rate helps him spend less energy, run vigorously, and shoot smoothly.

Curry has a workout routine of 5-6 days a week with 1-2 days of rest. He does some shooting series, weighted lunges, hand-eye coordination series, cardio workouts, treadmill running, and so on.

He also performs some stretching exercises, such as yoga and soft tissue restoration, and several other exercises for the chest, back, shoulders, biceps, and triceps. He also loves to play golf, which helps him maintain his agility.

Brandon Payne revealed on the "Basketball Illuminati" podcast how one NBA player has given up on a workout with Curry immediately after 5 minutes.

Payne also revealed how he and Curry keep on working out while other players get tired and walk out.

Steve Karr, Warriors head coach said: "People go at him (Stephen Curry) to try to wear him down .......the guy is amazing; he just keeps working on his game, his strength, his conditioning, year after year."

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