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Shaquille O'Neal's 6 Kids Can't Spend His Money Without Two Degrees

By: Debadrita Ghosh Image credit: NBA & Twitter.

Shaquille O'Neal has made a lot of money with 4 NBA championships but he has a strict rule of inheritance for his children.

He explained his rule in The Ellen DeGeneres Show, saying, “To touch any of my cheese, you need to present me two degrees”. He said that he is not ready to give his money to his 6 children so easily.

Shaquille wants his kid to have at least a bachelor's and master's degree to get the money that he has earned.

Shaquille added that he just tries to keep his children motivated so he is teaching them about inherited wealth now. He teaches them to become independent.

O'Neal always tells his children that it is not mandatory to become an NBA player but if any of his kids are interested, he could teach them.

He also added that he would rather prefer to see his children become veterinarians, doctors, world travelers, dentists, or hedge fund guys. So, he is not putting any pressure on his children regarding their profession.

Shareef who is Shaquille's oldest son is an NBA player who played with the Lakers in the NBA 2022 Summer League. However, he is undrafted at present but might make a big splash very soon.

O’Neal appeared on the Earn Your Leisure podcast last year where he talked about money and told that he's rich but his children aren't.

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