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Shakira and Pique Will Never be Good Friends After Recent Developments?

By: Yaksh Desai Image credit: Twitter

Who would've thought that from being one of the most cherished and blessed couples from the soccer fraternity, Gerard and Shakira end up being each other biggest nemesis!

Pique and Shakira were an ideal couple; however, out of the blue, a bombshell dropped that ruined their relationship, courtesy of Jordi Martin, who revealed Pique's affair with his employee, Clara Chia.

After this, Shakira and Pique announced their break for the betterment of their children and approached the judiciary system. This made netizens ponder whether the celebrity couple are on speaking terms or not.

Pique's lawyer, Ramon Tamborero, obliged the fans and shed some light on this matter, stating that although the ex-couples do become friends again, that won't be the case in Pique and Shakira's fiasco.

During an interview, Romero clarified that both Shakira and Pique handled the separation maturely to ensure it didn't hamper their children's mental well-being.

Later, he said, "The child custody matter required a seven-month negotiation in which preparatory meetings were organized," and that according to him, the child custody agreement was a tough conflict.

Romero further mentioned that the songs realized by Shakira and Bizzarap that allegedly dissed Pique and his family became a huge obstacle and made the negotiation a bit awkward.

The Barcelona court of course gave the judgment in favor of the Colombian and allowed her and the children to move to Miami. On the other hand, Pique had been given a specific number and dates to meet the kids.

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“I’m a Puppet” – Gerard Pique Reveals the Truth About His Relationship With Clara Chia Marti. Swipe up to read the full article.