By: Ujan Chakraborty

Serena Williams Gets Brutally Honest About Selena Gomez

Image Credit: Twitter

Recently, Selena made a post about a bachelorette photo shoot on her social media. It was on the occasion of her best friends, Connar Franklin and Aaron Carpenter, getting married.

Serena Williams surprised Selena Gomez with a kind and adorable comment for the bride. She commented about how happy she was that the two were getting married soon.

Selena posted these photos with the caption, "Connar Franklin is getting married! So happy!" Indicating the bride who was dressed comfortably in the picture, Serena commented, "Cozy"

Fans started talking about how adorable Serena's comment on Selena's post is. They absolutely loved her gesture for being honest about Selena's happy posting.

Serena Williams and Selena Gomez have long collaborated on projects promoting women's empowerment and mental wellness. They used their celebrity status to raise awareness about mental health issues among the masses.

A few years back, the singer and actor got into a candid conversation with ace tennis player, Serena Williams, which happened on Gomez’s mental health platform, 'Wondermind'. The two accomplished women talked about "mental fitness."

Serena said, “Mental fitness is just learning to shut down. And I did this years ago, before even mental health was a topic among everyone’s mind,” when Gomez asked Williams what ‘mental fitness’ looks like to her.

Serena continued, "I know that it’s so important to just put yourself first, especially mentally, I always have shut-down moments. I have serious boundaries and I don’t let anyone cross those boundaries.”

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