Take a Look  at the  Beef History Between Kevin Durant and  Rihanna 

Kevin Durant is a player that gets very affected by the fans and crowds that provoke him.

In the 2017 NBA finals, we saw a fan yell 'brick' whilst KD was on the FT line and KD looked over. 

 It was Rihanna

Rihanna, the pop star, is a LeBron James superfan who was attempting to heckle KD.

Kevin Durant took notice of this and took his revenge.

He scored the game-winning dagger in game 2 of the NBA finals and stared Rihanna down.

Kevin Durant at the end of the game shrugged off the stare down saying he didn't notice Rihanna

However after winning the NBA finals, KD said this.

"Love you girl but I got to do it.  Oh my Gosh [highlight] was more than that."

Rihanna took  the L in that exchange and posted a picture  of the  MJ crying face emoji over her Instagram Picture.

Is this the best Celebrity and NBA  player beef?


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