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Dating Khloe Kardashian Was the Worst Year of James Harden’s Life

By: Debadrita Ghosh Image credit: NBA and Twitter

James Harden claimed his relationship with Khloe Kardashian was the worst part of his life. It seems James had a traumatic stint with Khloe Kardashian. 

While Khloe and Harden's relationship ended after 8 months, James had been talking about their break-up story and expressed his feelings over various platforms.

James Harden said in an interview: “I feel like it was for no reason. I wasn’t getting anything out of it except my name out there and my face out there, and I don’t need that. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but it wasn’t me."

James also added that since Khloe was always in the limelight, he felt highly uncomfortable in the public surrounding.

James also said: “I don’t need pictures of myself when I’m driving my car. Who cares? What shoes am I wearing? Who cares? Where am I eating? Who cares? It was unnecessary stuff that I think trickled down to my teammates. I had to eliminate that.”

Kardashian and Harden began dating in 2015, while Khloe was still divorcing Lamar Odom. When Odom was hospitalized after an overdose, she put her divorce on hold while continuing her relationship with Harden.

Finally, Khloe and James couldn't make things work but they have completely different reasons for their split. Khloe revealed that she did not want long distance and a monogamous relationship, unlike James. 

While James said that he felt that their relationship was completely out of reason, as he was getting nothing out of it except his name and face.

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