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Cristiano Ronaldo Reveals Why He Asked South Korean Player to Shut His Mouth 

By: Yaksh Desai Image credit: Google

The 2022 FIFA world cup has had immense drama and outcomes no one would have imagined so far. There has been no so such thing as underdogs in this edition

Saudi Arabia beating Argentina with Japan defeating both Germany and Spain are the prime evidence that showcased that this world cup has been nothing short of shocks and drama.

In this competition, We witnessed a similar story as South Korea stunned Portugal on 2nd November to qualify for the round of 16

Kim Young-Gwon and Hwang Hee-chan were the two scorers of the dramatic game with the latter scoring in the Extra time to give South Korea a 2:1 win over the European giants

During the game, Ronaldo was subbed off the pitch in the 65th minute of the game and it appeared initially that he was angry and even swore at Portugal's head coach  for that decision.

However, Ronaldo clarified that he wasn't angry with his coach but was engaged in a verbal spat with a south Korean player Cho Gue-sung and  stated that he insulted him

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Hence Ronaldo signaled the South Korean forward to shut his mouth as the Portuguese star  believed it was not his authority to give any orders.

These were Ronaldo's exact words, "It happened when I was substituted. The Korean player was telling me to go off more quickly and I told him to be quiet because he hasn't got any authority,"

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