Crazy Body Transformation of NBA Stars Shaq, Stephen Curry and More

By Vivek Nair Image Credits: NBA

Most people would think that all athletes in the NBA are at their peak physique and are shredded all year; however, that's just not the case.

Some players would add strength and bulk up, while others would want to cut down and get slimmer. Here are a few body transformations in the NBA.

Giannis Antetokounmpo: As a teenager, Giannis was underfed, and as a kid, he used to work on the streets of Athens. At the age of 18, he was 6'10, weighing only 190 pounds, and looking extremely skinny.

Seven years later, Giannis is one of the most athletic players in the league and the reigning NBA MVP. He gained 50 pounds and is one the best players in the league and gained the nickname 'Greek Freak'.

Shaquille O'Neal: Standing at 7'1" and weighing more than 350 lbs, Shaq was one of the biggest and most athletic players in the NBA. In Shaquille's rookie year, he weighed only 290 lbs, and in his later years, he gained another 100 lbs, weighing almost 400 lbs.

Joel Embiid: The runner up MVP wasn't always dominant and big. In his rookie year, he weighed 240 lbs and is now at 280 lbs. Embiid suffered from a lot of injuries, and to limit those injuries, he needed to gain muscle, and he was able to accomplish this by utilizing his frame well.

Stephen Curry: Curry was quite skinny compared to his other basketball companions; in his rookie year, he only weighed 172 lbs. Steph is currently in his best shape yet, weighing almost 195–200 lbs. Steph has gained 15 lbs of muscle since his unanimous MVP season and revealed that it has improved his game.

A player's body size is considered one of the most important physical attributes for success in basketball. Maintaining a healthy physique is necessary if you want to keep up with the game.

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