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14-Year-Old Cristiano Ronaldo Was Expelled After Assaulting  A Teacher

By: Yaksh Desai Image credit: Google

Cristiano is regarded as one of the exceptional footballers of the current generation and rightly so as his career stats are staggering and truly reflect his class.

The fame and success are even more special for the likes of Ronaldo and his family as the Portuguese no. 7 had a tough childhood.

Some reports suggest that Maria(Ronaldo's mother) initially didn't want to give birth to Cristiano because of the family's poor financial condition.

She even asked the doctors to abort when she had Ronaldo in her stomach but the doctors denied it due to ethical reasons however Maria remained adamant and tried everything she could to kill the unborn child.

However, it didn't work and in 1985 Ronaldo saw the first glimpse of the world. Cristiano lost his father at a fairly young age which put a lot of strain on his family.

Ronaldo was not keen in his studies during his childhood. He didn't get good grades and was regarded as the notorious child in his school, but this one time he did such a big mischief that he got himself expelled.

Ronaldo was exactly 14 years old when he threw a chair at this teacher after getting angry and the authorities got rid of him after that.

Ronaldo also faced a severe medical issue that involved heart surgery after getting detected with a rare heart disease. However, He passed all the hurdles and achieved his dream for his family.

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