When Stone Cold Helped Donald Trump Ridicule Vince McMahon

It was at WrestleMania 23 when Donald Trump and Vince McMahon had their WWE Superstars by their sides for a match back in 2007.

It was a hair vs hair stipulation match. The loser of the match were to be shaved bald.

“Battle of the Billionaires”

The WWE chairman had his bet on late wrestler Umaga and the former US president took Bobby Lashley's side.

Shane McMahon, Vince McMahon's son was playing the guest referee until Stone Cold Steve Austin made his way to the ring.

The WWE Superstar retired from the ring back in 2003.

The Texas Rattlesnake’s entry ultimately led to the victory of Bobby Lashley and Donald Trump which meant Mr McMahon had to meet his end of the deal.

Austin celebrated the victory of the former US president in his signature style with some beer.

But it didn’t take long for things to take a turn, with Austin executing his finisher, Stunner on Donald Trump.

Later it was revealed that McMahon convinced Trump to take the stunner-for it would be a "big deal" for the WWE fanatics.

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