WWE and Hollywood Sensation John Cena’s Current Diet and Workout Plan

By Akshat Trivedi  Credits : Twitter

Rapper, actor, and professional wrestler, John Cena, one of the greatest of all time, with 16 world championships, has incredible character work. But what sets him apart is his body.

Cena's journey began as a bodybuilder, focusing on main lifts with high reps and sets. His body looks fantastic—well-proportioned, ripped, and lean—making him a wrestling icon.

Cena follows a 5-day split with 2 rest days, constantly striving to beat his 1-rep max. Abs like his require 60 crunches after each workout, ensuring a solid core.

Exercises like seated and standing calf raises, single-leg curls, leg presses, leg extensions, and squats shape Cena's powerful lower body.

Cena targets his upper pecs with incline machine presses and bench presses, using the pec deck and cable crossovers for a well-rounded chest.

Cena builds his biceps with preacher curls, standing barbell curls, seated dumbbell curls, and standing cable curls. Triceps get attention with rope pressdowns and tricep dips.

Cena strengthens his shoulders with rear delt cable flyes, machine overhead presses, seated overhead presses, dumbbell lateral raises, and military presses.

Lat pulldowns, barbell rows, one-arm dumbbell rows, deadlifts, high pulls, pull-ups, and barbell shrugs sculpt Cena's impressive back.

Cena consumes 7 meals a day to fuel his muscle growth. His diet includes oatmeal, eggs, chicken, brown rice, tuna, bananas, whey protein, pasta, vegetables, and cottage cheese.

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