By: Akshat Trivedi

Times When WWE Superstars Broke Down Inside the Ring.

Image Credit: WWE Twitter

Being part of WWE is a dream for many, and the wrestlers who finally make it to the big stage often get emotional in the ring due to various reasons.

Shawn Michaels gave an emotional speech after his loss against The Undertaker at WrestleMania 26. Fans were chanting "One more match," but Michaels kept his promise and didn't step back into the ring.

In 2019, Sasha Banks teamed up with Bayley to win the Women's Tag Team Championship at the Elimination Chamber. Banks was in tears after the match and thanked the fans and her family for their support

It was an emotional moment when Eddie Guerrero retained his WWE championship and Chris Benoit defeated Triple H to become the heavyweight champion. Both were in tears when Benoit won the fight.

Paige earlier retired from action because of a neck injury. During her farewell speech, she welled up when the fans chanted "This is your house" and "Thank you, Paige." She was overwhelmed with tears.

When Roman Reigns announced his leukemia news in 2018, he was joined by his fellow Shield brothers, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose, who were both in tears after Reigns' speech.

Ric Flair's retirement match was an emotional ride for both him and his opponent Shawn Michaels. HBK was constantly saying, "I'm sorry. I love you" to Ric as he was preparing to land sweet chin music

In 1999, Bret Hart returned to WWE after a long absence following his brother Owen's tragic death. Hart was in tears during his return, gave a heartfelt speech and thanked everyone in the locker room.

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