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“You’re Pathetic”: Serena Williams Asked Ex-boyfriend to Get a Life

By: Arya Thakkar Image credit: Twitter

Serena Williams dated rapper/producer/poet Lonnie Corant Jaman Shuka Rashid Lynn, better known as Common, from 2007 until 2010..

Serena Williams is not the best one when it comes to taking a dig. She understands just which areas to attack and when, and exes are never a nice subject to broach.

Serena Williams dated rapper Common for over two years before splitting up due to their tight schedules.

But that was okay until Common's new girlfriend began following her. That's when Williams took a dig at her ex and his 'stalker' girlfriend.

In an old tweet, she wrote, “Dear “boy” that reads my tweets and tells “The Bread” everything I say. You are pathetic! And what is more I can’t stand you. Get a life!” 

Serena was referring to "boy" as Common's girlfriend as apparently, she had a manly frame and with "bread" she was referring to Common as he was the only earning member between them at that time. 

The pair never sought to hide their love. Furthermore, in an interview, Common admitted that it was tough for him to break up with and move on from Serena Williams.

People move on and find the right people for them. That is precisely what she did, and it has resulted in her having a lovely family with her husband Alexis Ohanian and daughter Olympia.

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