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Triple H Hated 65-Year- Old WWE Legend, What Was the Reason?

By: Rahul V Krishnan Image credit: WWE and Twitter

Triple H is currently the Chief Content Officer in the WWE after Vince McMahon's departure from the company.

Due to his connection with the McMahon family, Triple H has had his fair share of haters in the wrestling business throughout his career.

One big name that doesn't like Triple H is WWE legend and Hall of Famer Bret "The Hitman" Hart. Hart in the past has openly spoken about his hatred towards the WWE head.

On his Confessions with the Hitman Podcast, Bret Hart revealed that both Triple H and Shawn Michaels wanted him fired from the WWE in the 90s.

Hart in the past has also called Triple H an overrated wrestler and claimed that he's only successful because of his father-in-law, Vince McMahon.

The Hall of Famer also criticized Hunter in the past and said that the "Cerebral Assassin" didn't have any original idea for anything throughout his career.

The Canadian superstar still hasn't made up with Triple H as he revealed in an interview that he and Triple H do not speak and they only greet formally.

Professional wrestling fans are hoping that the two legends of the business can sort out their personal issues and work together in the WWE soon.⁩

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